April's Enchanting Reads

It’s spring—only a couple of months left until summer!

For only $9.99 and little preparation, purchase one of the titles below and you’ll have a month of reading and writing under your belt well before June.

Finish strong with a deep dive into literature and writing mechanics.

  • Spelling: check!
  • Grammar: check!
  • Punctuation: check!
  • Literary elements: check! 
  • Writing and big juicy conversations: check! Check! 

New to Brave Writer? Planning for next year? Experience our mechanics and literature programs before we reveal the 2022–2023 year-long program book lists on June 1 & 2. 

We’ve selected nine light, engaging read alouds to share with your kids. Pair these books with our popular Dart, Arrow, or Boomerang guides that bring writing mechanics to life!

These classic and contemporary novels are popular with kids everywhere.

$9.99 each (regular price: $14.95)

Dart (ages 8–10)
The House at Pooh Corner
Finn Family Moomintroll
The Prairie Thief

Arrow (ages 11–12)
Because of Winn-Dixie
The Nerviest Girl in the World

Boomerang (ages 13–14)
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Little Women

Click on the Dart, Arrow, or Boomerang title above to read the book description and add a guide to your Brave Writer cart. 

Available at the sale price until April 30, 2022! 


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